Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Delapan Makanan Thailand yang 'Kontroversial'

Tidak semua makanan Thailand memiliki tampilan yang menggoda dan aroma sensasional. Beberapa hidangan ada yang tidak hanya membuat orang asing mual, tapi juga orang Thailand sendiri. Meski menjijikkan bagi sebagian orang, makanan-makanan di bawah ini memiliki penggemar masing-masing.

Berikut beberapa hidangan Thailand kontroversial yang bisa Anda dapatkan.

Goong Ten
Arti harafiah dari goong ten adalah udang menari. Maka jangan heran jika binatang ini disajikan hidup-hidup. Berupa salad, goong ten akan disajikan di mangkuk logam. Udang-udang kecil yang bening itu akan berusaha bergerak-gerak (dengan sia-sia tentunya) untuk membebaskan diri.

Alasan menyukai hidangan ini: Saya akui, sesendok salad ini terasa menghibur sekaligus lezat. Saat digigit, udang ini akan mengeluarkan rasa asin dan ditutup dengan kerenyahan yang menyenangkan.

Larb Leuat Neua
Makanan ini berisi daging sapi mentah dengan taburan daun mint. Seakan tidak cukup berdarah, hidangan daging sapi ini ditambah lagi dengan siraman saus kental berupa darah mentah. Selama ini kita selalu dinasihati untuk tidak makan daging mentah dengan darah mentah, tapi hidangan ini membalikkan semua nasihat tersebut.

Alasan menyukai hidangan ini: Tak ada yang lebih maskulin daripada makan darah berbumbu dipasangkan dengan segelas bir dingin.

Som Tam Hoy Dong
Berupa tiram yang difermentasi, direndam lagi dengan saus kental warna merah darah. Tidak hanya orang asing, orang Thailand pun sering tidak berani menyantap hidangan yang berpotensi besar menyebabkan orang terkena diare ini.

Alasan menyukai hidangan ini: Dari kebanyakan penggemar, saya melihat mereka yang menyukai makanan ini sudah menyukai rasa kerang terfermentasi sejak kecil.

Gong Chae Nam Pla
Udang lipan mentah direndam dalam kecap ikan tampak mengerikan. Capit, tentakel dan matanya yang melotot terus-terusan melihat ke arah Anda yang tengah menyeruput dagingnya yang licin. Dan tenggorokan Anda bisa “tertusuk-tusuk” saat mencoba mengisap habis daging udang ini.

Alasan menyukai hidangan ini: Asin, amis, berbumbu dan licin. Jika Anda menyukai kombinasi tekstur dan rasa ini menggoda, maka Anda bisa menikmati goong chae nam pla.

Larb Mote Daeng
Semut merah dan telur-telurnya adalah benda berharga dalam beberapa hidangan Thailand. Coba saja, tutup mata seseorang, suapi mereka segigit larb semut merah, dan biasanya mereka akan mengakui makanan itu terasa lezat. Hanya saja, sayangnya, membayangkan makan telur semut bisa menjijikkan buat beberapa orang.

Alasan menyukai hidangan ini: Semut merah memakan daun mangga sehingga tubuh mereka terasa seperti perasan jeruk nipis. Sementara itu, telur semut terasa berlemak, seperti mentega asli yang kaya rasa.

Yam Kai Yeow Maa
Salad Thai ini memiliki campuran telur bebek yang sudah menghitam dan mengenyal karena proses pengawetannya. Kedengaran menjijikkan? Untuk sebagian orang, hidangan ini terasa betul-betul menjijikkan. Telurnya akan terasa seperti kapur, bahwa Anda sebenarnya sedang memakan sesuatu yang sudah harus dibuang beberapa waktu lalu.

Alasan menyukai hidangan ini: Bosan dengan telur rebus biasa, penggemar yam kai yeow maa menyukai tekstur dan rasa berbeda hidangan ini.

Kai Khao
Meski lebih terkenal di Filipina, Thailand ternyata punya versi mirip hidangan telur yang sudah menjadi embrio ini. Dari cangkangnya, telur ini terlihat seperti telur rebus biasa. Begitu dimakan, akan langsung terasa tekstur aneh-renyah yang bisa membuat Anda hampir muntah atau mencabut bulu dari antara gigi.

Alasan menyukai hidangan ini: Rasanya persis seperti telur rebus, hanya ada terdapat “tambahan” menarik yang bisa memberi keragaman rasa dan tekstur.

Gaeng Sataw
Akan selalu ada hambatan psikologis memakan makanan yang mengandung petai. Petai mengandung gas yang baunya tak jauh berbeda dengan kentut manusia.

Alasan menyukai hidangan ini: Bau petai lebih tajam ketika jauh dari Anda, daripada saat berada di meja di depan Anda. Meski rasa petai tak terlalu kuat, tapi kandungan gizinya banyak.

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Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Jangan Pernah Berpikir Untuk Sempurna

Aku akan berusaha berbuat yang terbaik dalam hidup ku Aku sangat bersyukur karena aku telah diberi kesempatan oleh tuhan untuk melakukan sesuatu di dunia ini, tapi jika tidak melakukannya dengan baik, aku akan menyia-nyiakannya, jadi mulai sekarang aku harus tetap berusaha dan dan tidak pernah berhenti untuk belajar.Aku mulai untuk tidak sombong dan rendah diri, jangan terlalu angkuh, akuakn berusaha mulai sekarang. mudah-mudahan tuhan memberkati

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Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

The past season was my worst, forget it' - Fernando Torres reflects on his Chelsea switch

The striker concedes his groin injury sustained in July last year hampered his World Cup as well as his club campaign but is adamant he will improve at Stamford Bridge Fernando Torres has admitted last season has been his worst since arriving in England four years ago.

Chelsea broke the British transfer record to sign the 27-year-old for £50 million in January, although since his arrival, the Spain international has scored just once in 19 appearances.

The striker blames his form on a groin injury which hampered his preparations, as well as his performances, for Vicente del Bosque’s side in the World Cup last summer, and concedes the setback crept into his displays at both Liverpool and Chelsea.

"For me the past season was the worst since I arrived in England,” Torres told The Sun.

"So I prefer to forget what happened. But I am not sorry I signed for Chelsea. I am convinced that when the Chelsea machine is at its full rhythm we will be very difficult to beat.

“The injury I sustained at the end the World Cup damaged my performance and made things more complicated than at any time in my career.

"Twelve goals in all in a season is nothing for me. Never during the season did I play to 100 per cent, neither for Liverpool or Chelsea.”

Torres has targeted winning the Premier League next term and is adamant Chelsea are favourites to do so.

"I see many goals coming and that will give us significant success. Manchester United are the champions but I insist that we are the main candidates to take their title."

"I will always remember in my heart the Liverpool fans and the extraordinary moments I enjoyed at Anfield.

"But the only thing I desire now are victories with Chelsea."

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Still Learning

Be A entrepreneur is so hard but i must learn more,
Use time as can as possible,
Dont waste more tome for useless thing,
try to be a perfect but not to arrogant
I have simple a proverb
that is We must face the problem everywhere,
means that we can face our trouble very easy not to compused
by Bayu Adi Pranata

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Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Well Done

You make me annoy,
I dont know what will i do,
just keep moving
go straight
Go ahead
Forget the past
Ger the dream
and reach my future

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Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Purnama Day

Do not forget to pray that today is Purnama. Let go to Temple. Make a wish. Hope that Our god can take care us together. But, I do not tell you that only Purnama Day you can pray meanwhile you have to pray everyday.
I can not imagine when god forgot to us. He can not save us, take care from the dangerous think.
Our personality may to clash but you must be one unity for make a good life.
Diversity is be here in our life. but we must respect each other.
do not be a conflict,
Do not be hostility again,
make our world smile looked the peace side,,

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Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

How Lionel Messi has grown under Pep Guardiola at Barcelona - & it has nothing to do with hormones

Before Guardiola's arrival, the Argentina forward hadn't managed to score 20 goals in a season for the Catalan giants. Now he averages double that - and it's no coincidence

Lionel Messi has, quite literally, grown up at Barcelona. The brilliant Argentine forward is now the best player in the world, but he wouldn't be where he is today without the Catalan club.

Already a brilliant prospect as an 11-year-old, Messi was starring in the youth side at Newell's and was also impressing River Plate. But there was a problem: he was diagnosed with a hormone deficiency. At that time, Argentina had been plunged into a severe economic crisis and no clubs were willing to pay the $900 per month treatment.

Barcelona found out, and on discovering the player had relatives in nearby Lleida, a contract was quickly drawn up, and a serviette signed (that was the only paper then-Barca sporting director Carles Rexach had on him at the time). Messi came over to the Catalan capital on trial, scored five times in his first appearance, earned a professional contract and became the best there is. And he grew.

Doctors in Argentina had predicted Messi would only ever reach four feet seven inches (1.40m) tall, but treatment in Barcelona allowed the youngster to sprout to five feet seven (1.69m). With multi-million signings routinely made by the Catalan club, the small outlay spent on Messi's medical treatment may just be the best investment in the history of the famous institution.

Messi debuted for the first-team as a 17-year-old against Espanyol under Frank Rijkaard and immediately impressed. A fine goal against Albacete followed, and Barcelona's fans could sense they were witnessing something special.

And they were. But perhaps even they could not have imagined just how special a player Messi would become. The Argentine was brilliant in those early years under Rijkaard and his greatest goal remains the Maradona-esque solo effort against Getafe. Since the arrival of Pep Guardiola, however, the Argentine has hit new heights.

Messi's record under Rijkaard

A quick look at the stats tells the story: Messi is a far better player now than he was under Rijkaard. In his last season under the Dutch coach, Messi scored 16 goals in 40 appearances, having netted 17 from 36 in the previous campaign. Since then, however, the Argentine has more than doubled those tallies, bagging 38, 47 and 53 strikes in the three seasons under Guardiola.

It's no coincidence, of course. Ask Messi and he'll say that Guardiola has allowed him to play closer to the area, and while that is true, it is only the half the story.

When Messi progressed into the first team at Barcelona, the star player was Ronaldinho. All of Barca's best play went through the brilliant Brazilian until a terrible loss of form meant the club could no longer rely on their No. 10. Little by little, Messi began to enjoy more responsibility, but harmony had been lost and in-fighting was disrupting team performances. Ronaldinho, Samuel Eto'o and Deco were at war; the egos had landed.

Messi's record under Guardiola

So Guardiola's first decision on succeeding Rijkaard - who was unable to survive a second trophyless campaign - was to sell all three. In the end, Eto'o stayed, but with Deco and Ronaldinho no longer around, the Cameroonian's influence was instantly more positive. The departure of Ronaldinho also aided Messi. The Argentine was handed the No. 10 shirt and handed more responsibility on the right. The high-tempo style preferred by Guardiola meant Barca began to win the ball back further up the pitch and Messi, interchanging brilliantly with Eto'o, enjoyed greater possession in more dangerous areas. Starting from the right, he scored 38 times and provided 18 assists as Barca won the treble.

Since the departure of Eto'o, Messi has been given even greater responsibilities by Guardiola. He has since started mostly in a central position and the results have been astounding: 100 goals in the last two seasons.

So yes, Messi is playing closer to the area than before. But he has also thrived on the added onus placed upon him by Guardiola, a master motivator who has been - as Rijkaard was - something of a father figure to the 23-year-old.

He has long since emerged from the shadow of Ronaldinho to become Barca's undisputed leader in attack and he has formed an outstanding association with Xavi, Andres Iniesta and Co., which just gets better and better. He has also remained free of serious injuries following two long lay-offs under Rijkaard, and Guardiola can take some credit there too - Barca now use an advanced machine that can detect when players are exhausted and prone to injury.

The forward is also reaping the rewards from Barca's high-tempo pressing style, while becoming a better player thanks to top-class coaching and experience, and benefiting from the human touch and man-management qualities of his leader. But above all, Messi has grown up since the arrival of Guardiola - and it has nothing to do with the hormones.

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